My Design Skill Set

I have plenty of experience in graphic and web design, as well as knowledge in the delivery process of a website from initial client specification through to completion and maintenance thereafter. I always keep myself up to date with the latest web technologies and design techniques and I'm building up a personal portfolio of websites to showcase my design abilities.

Competent in the following packages:

  • Dreamweaver
  • Photoshop
  • Flash
  • InDesign
  • LiveCycle Designer

Programming Languages:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript

Examples of my work

Scotia UK

My Other Key Skills

  • Detailed knowledge of the functionality of Microsoft SharePoint and CRM, including the new cloud based version
  • Strong understanding of marketing processes and appreciation of their importance to the success of a business
  • Good overall knowledge of the running of a business; experience across multiple business functions
  • Great office management skills and experience in coordinating teams of people across different departments